The Data Duplication Village is holding talks during DEF CON 32 in Las Vegas, NV on Friday, August 9th and Saturday, August 10th. 

The CFP is now open!

The Data Duplication Village's goal is to help the information security community by providing helpful information through duplication of large amounts of data including all the past hacking related convention material that can be found, rainbow tables, and more.  Now we are expanding our goals by providing direct talks to further provide helpful information for storage related technology.

The kinds of talks we're looking for are:

  • Attacking: Methods and techniques for attacking the systems, technology, and procedures involved with data storage, data replication and/or duplication, data transit, data integrety, etc... How to approach an SSD vs. a HD differently.

  • Detecting: Identifying storage surveillance methods, how to identify and potentially recover data on magnetic media, volatile and non-volatile memory. How to detect things (or people) who could affect data at rest in their various mediums. Drive forensic methodologies.

  • Protecting: How to prevent, minimize, and recover from data-loss, corruption, or physical damage. How to effectively destroy data (in an authorized capacity, of course). What attributes affect data over time? Who are we protecting our data at rest from? How can we set up effective redundancies that minimize down-time?

More details can be found on the CFP page (button below) and any questions can be directed to info[at]dcddv[dot]org:

See you at the con!